
Solicitation permits are required for all individuals going door-to-door at residential property within Hopewell Township to solicit. Exemptions include: Children under 18 years of age soliciting on behalf of a school, persons soliciting on behalf of a non-profit organization, persons soliciting on behalf of a religious organization where the proceeds of the sale are used to support such organization or for a charitable purpose, political activists or any door-to-door advocacy group.
Criminal Record Checks are performed by the Police Department for all individuals going door-to-door within Hopewell Township to solicit. Any individual wanting a permit must complete and submit the Permit Application along with a copy of a current/valid driver’s license. If you have a Criminal Background Check available, please submit a copy with your application (this is not required for the application purpose).
Applicants will be notified when the application has been approved or denied. Upon approval, the applicant must come to the Hopewell Municipal Building with a check for the fee and the dates they will be in the township soliciting. A photo ID badge will be issued and MUST be worn at all times in plain view while in the township. If the badge is not visible to residents, and they report you to our department, you will be asked to leave the township by an officer.
The fee for Peddling/Soliciting in Hopewell Township is $100.00 for the Application fee and $100 per week per person.
When submitting your application, be sure to complete the form and include a copy of your current, valid driver’s license along with any criminal background check/clearances that you may already have.
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