Other Police Services
Obtaining a Police/Accident Report

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you can call the station for the police report number and provide the report number to your vehicle insurance company. They will send the $15 fee to obtain the report directly; this is the preferred method to obtain your accident report.
In the event that you need a copy of the accident report yourself, a copy of the report can be obtained after completing and returning the Right to Know Request form.
No report will be released without the completed RTK form. The form can be submitted it to jillbanovsky@hopewelltwp.com. Sgt. Banovsky will notify you when the report is ready to be picked up. There is a $15 fee for accident reports only. We accept cash or checks at the police station.
A Right to Know request form is also required for any other type of report and the same process applies, these reports are free of charge.
If you are an insurance company representing a client involved in an accident, you must send a check payable to “Hopewell Township” to 1700 Clark Blvd, Aliquippa, PA 15001 along with a letter on the company letterhead stating which party involved is covered under your insurance policy. Please also include a self-addressed, stamped return envelope. You may call the department to obtain the accident report number prior to issuing the check and note the report number on the request. As soon as the report is completed and approved, it will be mailed to you.
Right-to-Know Requests
Hopewell Township Police Department Right-to-Know Officer
Jill Banovsky, Sergeant
1700 Clark Blvd.
Aliquippa, PA 15001
To submit a RTK request, please utilize one of the following methods:
- Mail your request to the address above
- Fax the request to 724-378-9105
- E-mail your request to: jillbanovsky@hopewelltwp.com
- Deliver the request in person to the police department office during office hours
- Monday – Friday, 8 am – 3:30 pm
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no guarantee your request will be approved. There are some exceptions as stated in the Right to Know Law Section 708. You have the right to appeal a denial of information in writing to: Office of Open Records 333 Market Street, 16th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101-2234
Click here for the Right-to-Know form.
Click here for the Hopewell Township Police Department’s Policy on Public Information and the Right-to-Know Law.
After reviewing this guidance, should you have any further questions, please email openrecords@pa.gov. Contact information for the Office of Open Records, or other applicable appeals officer, such as the District Attorney for investigative records. Office of Open Records, 333 Market Street, 16th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101, or visit the webpage
at OOR –PA Office of Open Records.
Solicitation Permits

Solicitation permits are required for all individuals going door-to-door at a residential property within Hopewell Township to solicit. Exemptions include children under 18 years of age soliciting on behalf of a school, persons soliciting on behalf of a non-profit organization, persons soliciting on behalf of a religious organization where the proceeds of the sale are used to support such organization or for a charitable purpose, political activists or any door-to-door advocacy group.
Criminal Record Checks are performed by the department for all individuals going door-to-door within Hopewell Township to solicit. Any individual wanting a permit must complete and submit the Permit Application along with a copy of a current/valid driver’s license. If you have a Criminal Background Check available, please submit a copy with your application (this is not required for the application process.)
Applicants will be notified when the application has been approved or denied. Upon approval, the applicant must come to the Hopewell Municipal Building with a check for the fee and the dates they will be in the township soliciting. A photo ID badge will be issued and MUST be worn at all times in plain view while in the township. If the badge is not visible to residents, and they report you to our department, you will be asked to leave the township by an officer.
Fees for Peddling/Soliciting in Hopewell Township are $100.00 for the Application fee plus $100.00 per week per person.
Please submit a completed application along with a current, valid copy of your driver’s license and any criminal background/clearances that you may already have.
Related Documents
Safe Exchange Zone
Hopewell Township created an “Exchange Zone” at 1700 Clark Blvd, (located on the right side of the police station in the municipal parking lot). Hopewell Township shall provide video surveillance or recording of private online marketplace/internet purchase transactions and child custody exchanges. The Exchange Zone shall be identified by signage indicating: “Internet Purchase & Child Custody Exchange Location.”

Exchange of Certain Items Prohibited. The private exchange of the following items will not be permitted:
- Motor vehicles
- Weapons
- Illegal contraband
- Alcohol
- Items that will not fit in a ten-foot-by-ten-foot parking space
Township officials will not provide police personnel or township staff to witness any transactions in person and the police officers DO NOT enforce child custody orders; however, the video surveillance or recording by and in proximity to police facilities and/or personnel is meant to provide a location to complete the transaction and to increase the public’s peace of mind when engaging in such transactions with unfamiliar or emotional individuals within the Exchange Zone.
Related Documents
The Hopewell Township Police Department will only process fingerprinting for residents of the township.

- It is suggested that you call to schedule fingerprinting
- Allow sufficient time because fingerprinting depends on the detective’s schedule availability.
Emergency and certain other calls will take priority over fingerprinting - Fingerprinting will not be done without valid photo identification
- Please bring all the necessary cards with you if they are provided by your employer.
- Fingerprint services are free to residents of Hopewell Township. Please bring proof of residence
To check on the availability of fingerprint services, call Detective Durkos at 724-378-0557.
Child Safety Seats

Child Safety Seat Inspection: The Hopewell Township Police Department has two certified NHTSA-approved child safety seat inspection technicians. Please call the station to make an appointment with Officer Rogers at 724-378-0557.
Drug Take Back Collection Box

The Hopewell Township Police Department, through a cooperative effort with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration and the Beaver County District Attorney’s Office, has installed a Drug Take Backdrop box in the foyer of the police department. While it is preferred that you work drop-offs around Monday-Friday business hours if you arrive during off hours please use the red phone on the outside wall and an officer will respond to assist you.
Please note that items that can be accepted are: prescription pills, prescription patches, prescription ointments, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, samples, and medications for pets.
Unfortunately, WE CAN NOT ACCEPT needles (sharps), medication from businesses or clinics, liquids or lotions, aerosol cans, inhalers, hydrogen peroxide or other liquids, and thermometers.

- Liquids can be disposed of in coffee grounds or kitty litter. Please DO NOT pour them down the drain.
- Sharps can be disposed of at the Medical Center in Beaver on the second floor, there is a room that has Sharps containers available for use. Persons with injectable maintenance medication, can take an empty container home and exchange it when full for a new one, or you can use a heavy-duty plastic bottle (laundry detergent, fabric softener, etc.) and tape the lid with duct tape when full and write “DO NOT RECYCLE/SHARPS” on the full bottle with a black marker and dispose of in the regular trash.
We recognize the issues surrounding unused medications and the safe disposal of them same. The success of the recent Drug Take-Back Day had a large impact on the decision to accept a permanently mounted receptacle at the station.
Abandoned Vehicles
PA Vehicle Code defines an Abandoned Vehicle as:
- Any vehicle that is left physically inoperable and is left unattended on a highway or other public property for more than 48 hours.
- The vehicle has remained illegally on a highway or other public property for more than 48 hours.
- The vehicle is left unattended on or along a highway or other public property for more than 48 hours and does not bear ALL of the following:
(a) a valid registration plate
(b) a valid certificate of inspection
(c) an ascertainable VIN - The vehicle has been left on private property without permission for more than 24 hours.
Suppose a vehicle meets the above-listed criteria and is reported to our department. In that case, we will leave an Abandoned Vehicle Notice Sticker on the vehicle window that gives the vehicle owner notice that the vehicle must be removed within 7 days.
If the vehicle owner fails to remove the vehicle within those 7 days, the vehicle will be removed by the Hopewell Township Police Department at the cost of the vehicle owner.
Vehicles illegally parked on private property may be removed by the property owner at the property owner’s expense.
To report an abandoned vehicle call our station at 724-378-0557 or the non-emergency dispatch at 724-775-0880.
Business Directory Listing
Click here to view the Police Department’s Business Directory listing form.
Vacation Watch

If you are planning to be away on vacation, you can place your home on the vacation watch list. This does not replace other security measures that should be taken to protect your home. It does inform our officers that you are away and when possible they will check the exterior of your residence to ensure that it is secure.
Hopewell Township residents can place your home on the vacation watch list by completing the Vacation Watch form and drop it off at the station or e-mail it to policeadmin@hopewelltwp.com.
Useful Tips:
- Leave blinds in their usual position.
- Have a neighbor collect your mail, newspapers, and packages, or have them held at the post office.
- Lower the sound of your telephone ringer and answering machine so they can’t be heard outside.
- Arrange to have someone mow your lawn or shovel your walks and driveway.
- Use automatic timers to turn lights on in the evening and off in the morning.
- Tell dependable neighbors when you plan to be away.
- Leave a key with a trusted friend or family member close by in case of an emergency.
Canine Registry for Lost or Found Dogs
The Hopewell Township Police Department is now offering a registry for Hopewell Township residents’ canines. All we need is some general information about your canine and a recent photo. If you report your pet missing or a neighbor finds your pet roaming the neighborhood, officers will have the information at their fingertips that could help reunite you. Many people often don’t realize that their pet is missing right away. When a neighbor calls us about a found pet, we can take a quick look in the system and call you right away.
Fill out the Canine Registry Form, and return it to us at the address on the form.
Awareness Window Decals

Did you know that the Hopewell Township Police Department, has mental health awareness stickers to alert emergency responders of the presence of a person who needs extra patience, whether it be autism, hearing-impaired, or another mental health diagnosis.
For Hopewell Township residents only, you can request one of these stickers by completing the request form and we will mail the sticker to you, or you can fill one out at the police station and receive your sticker in person.
For more information call (724) 378-0557.