Hopewell Township Police Department
Contact Information

Donald E. Sedlacek, Chief of Police
Chief’s Email: chiefofpolice@hopewelltwp.com
Letter from the Chief of Police
Address: 1700 Clark Blvd., Aliquippa, PA 15001
E-Mail: policeadmin@hopewelltwp.com
Station Phone: 724-378-0557
Fax: 724-378-9105
Officer’s Voicemail: 724-378-0555, follow the prompts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hopewelltwppolice
Emergency Calls
- Please Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Calls
- For complaints between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm on weekdays please call 724-378-0557 (This phone is forwarded to the Beaver County dispatch center after hours).
- For complaints between the hours of 3:30 pm and 8:30 am on weekdays, as well as any time on weekends and holidays, call Beaver County’s non-emergency dispatch at 724-775-0880.
Our Mission
The members of the Hopewell Township Police Department are committed to excellence in law enforcement and are dedicated to the people, traditions, and diversity of our community. We strive to provide the highest level of service to our community. We accept responsibility for our decisions and actions. We will provide service with understanding, respond with professionalism and compassion, and perform with integrity and vision in order to protect life and property, prevent crime, and create a safe environment.
Community Safety
Buckle Up … It’s the Law: Please be aware that it is a primary law in Pennsylvania to wear your seatbelt. If you are a driver or passenger under 18 years of age, you must buckle up. The police will pull you over, write you a ticket, and if convicted, you’ll have to pay a fine. If you are a driver 18 years of age or older and the police pull you over for another violation, you’ll receive a second ticket if you or your front-seat passengers aren’t wearing seat belts.
Sex Offender Registration: Pennsylvania’s General Assembly has determined that public safety will be enhanced by making information about registered sex offenders available to the public through the Internet. Knowledge of whether a person is a registered sex offender could be a significant factor in protecting yourself, your family members, or persons in your care from recidivist acts by registered sex offenders. Public access to information about registered sex offenders is intended solely as a means of public protection.
For additional information visit the Pennsylvania Megan’s Law Database website.
Department Uniform Patches
The Hopewell Police Department is unable to fulfill requests for department uniform patches through the mail due to budgetary and security reasons.
Other Police Services
Click here to learn about some of the other services provided by the Hopewell Township Police Department.
Staff Directory
Click here to see the full list of Staff for the Hopewell Township Police Department.
Documents and Forms
- Canine Registry Form (PDF)
- Contract Police Services Request Form (PDF)
- Dog Waste and Barking Ordinance (PDF)
- Fireworks Display Application (PDF)
- Business Directory Contact Form (PDF)
- Outdoor Burning Ordinance (PDF)
- Parking and Snow Removal Ordinance (PDF)
- Parking on Township Streets Ordinance (PDF)
- Parking Ticket Violations Ordinance (PDF)
- PENNDOT FORM MV-46 (Replacement of Illegible Plates)
- Persons with Disability Parking Placard Application (PDF)
- Police Officer Application (PDF)
- Police Report Requests
- Mechanical Device Ordinance and Fee Schedule (PDF)
- Mechanical Device Application (PDF)
- Right to Know Request Form (PDF)
- Solicitors Resolution and Fee Schedule (PDF)
- Solicitors Permit Application (PDF)
- Vacation Watch (PDF)
Quick Links
- Common Elderly Scams
- Comprehensive Guide to Securing Homes
- Emergency Alerts (SWIFT 911)
- Federal Trade Commission Complaint Assistant
- Home Security and Personal Safety Resource Guide for Single Women
- ID Theft Affidavit Form and Instructions
- Magisterial District Courts Docket Sheets
- Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Customer Care Center
- Pennsylvania Department of Transportation District 11 (Allegheny, Beaver, and Lawrence)
- Pennsylvania State Police Megan’s Law Website
- Protect Your Parents from Common Digital Traps
- Report Identity Theft
- Senior Scams: The Complete Guide
- When Your Child Is Missing: A Family Survival Guide